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Katrina's story


Katrina was pregnant with Richie and in an abusive relationship. "I was scared and depressed — I never planned to raise a baby by myself — but I knew I wanted something better for my son,” said Katrina. “These people really cared about what I was going through. They helped me find a sense of security and confidence when I needed it most.”

Read Katrina’s story here.

Wanda Williams

Wenda Williams

“I really appreciate that Healthy Start is open to all pregnant women in Milwaukee County and that all resources and support are free.”

Read Wanda’s story here.

Ellia Ana Hill

Ellia Ann Hill

Ellia is also one example of how the Healthy Start program can help support pregnant people, and new moms and dads. It’s so important to reach out when you need help, and I’m so thankful Ellia connected with us.

Read Ellia's story here.

What participants say

“It was truly a pleasure being in the Healthy Start Program. I felt like I had help along the journey from pregnancy to childbirth to postpartum and a year. Many resources were given including tangible ones like the diapers and the Christmas gifts. I don’t know where I would have been without them. My mental health improved as well after going through a tumultuous marriage and divorce while being pregnant. I was glad to have that support, and I truly do appreciate it. I would recommend it to another pregnant mother as well.”

“I appreciate you taking me through the darkest times.”

“It feels good to talk to you because there is no judgement and lots of praise.”

“I feel better after I talk to you. I feel like you are my therapist right now.”